WATCH: Maxibor hosts HDD lunch and learn session

The lunch and learn session provided an opportunity for 25 of Logan Water’s emerging and experienced engineers to observe and hear firsthand the operation of a live horizontal directional drilling (HDD) site.

Maxibor‘s David Turner provided an eloquent and passionate commentary through the 45-minute session explaining the operation and significance to the various items of equipment at site and the roles of the Maxibor personnel.

The session was held at Wolfdene, Queensland (QLD) where Maxibor has a design and construct contract with Logan Water to install a 750m pipeline of HSCR PE100 180 OD.

The project is part of stage one of the Beenleigh Beaudesert pipeline renewals project which focuses on replacing the existing 750m watermain, providing improved watermains services to the area.

The project presented an ideal learning opportunity as Maxibor is using one of its four maxi-rig spreads.

On-site were a Vermeer 330×500 maxi-rig, Vermeer R9x12T cleaning system, Gardner Denver PZ8 powerful pump, AMC mud mixing system, 760m of 65/8″drill pipe running a 65/8″ mud motor with a 93/4″ roller cone bit. The PZ8 pump was pumping 420GPM through the mud motor operating in rock up to 220MPa.

The session allowed the Logan Water personnel to not only see these beasts in operation but more importantly to understand how the various items of plant needed to be set out on site to optimise productivity and performance, what each key functions each performed and how they integrated with each other in the overall HDD activity.

What also impressed the Logan Water personnel was the teamwork, efficiency and safety awareness of the Maxibor crew.

Maxibor owner Rodney O’Meley, and one of the best HDD drillers in Australia, was operating the maxi-rig and using his knowledgeable eyes and mind to maintain smooth operation of the works.

Maxibor demonstrated on the day, and it has with its many completed major projects over time, that successful HDD is much more than talk, it is about actual delivery of the works with the right equipment, people and experience.

The session was so impressive that Logan Water requested Maxibor to provide another session for other staff members.

Maxibor is a knowledge sharing company and is discussing with Logan Water and others how these on-site learning sessions could be provided to an even wider audience. The company also has ready to go HDD design and HDD methodology presentations which would complement the on-site learning visits.

If others are interested in arranging an onsite or online learning session they can contact David Turner at or on 0499 375 511.

Watch the video below.

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