Toowoomba to Warwick pipeline soon under construction

Bent to Keith pipeline

Survey work is currently underway to inform the final route for the Toowoomba to Warwick pipeline.

The pipeline will carry water from Wivenhoe Dam to Toowoomba via existing water infrastructure and then deliver water to Warwick through a new 109km pipeline. It will have the capacity to transfer up to 10.3 megalitres per day from Wivenhoe Dam.

“The Palaszczuk Government continues to deliver water infrastructure that Queenslanders need, providing more water security and more jobs,” said Minister for Water Glenn Butcher.

“We know how tough the drought was for the Southern Downs and I’m pleased to see this vital water security project moving forward.

“Ensuring we can move water around the region when needed through drought-resilient water supply infrastructure like the Toowoomba to Warwick pipeline is critical to meeting future growth.”

The pipeline will be owned and operated by Seqwater and will provide a drought contingency supply for the Southern Downs and a permanent water supply to Toowoomba satellite communities of Cambooya, Greenmount, Nobby and Clifton.

“While Warwick and Toowoomba have local water supply dams, this new pipeline provides more options to manage water supply challenges arising from intermittent rainfall, drought and population growth,” said Seqwater general manager major projects Barbara van Heerden.

“Early pre-construction works, including surveying, geotechnical work and landholder consultation will continue throughout the corridor during 2023.

“These important works will help us understand the terrain and will inform the detailed design work, including the final route recommendation.”

The Queensland government locked $13.4 million in the Budget for pre-construction work this year, as part of the Big Build.

Geotechnical work and consultation with local landholders will form part of the pre-construction phase.

The expected project completion is in early 2027, weather and construction conditions permitting.

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