With major projects along the East Coast coming online, new developments in the Northern Territory and the West and a continuing push for policy reform in New South Wales and Victoria has meant there has been no shortage of news to report on.
With the year drawing to a close, The Australian Pipeliner looks back on the top 10 article for 2014, just in time for you to update your holiday reading list!
In order of popularity, our top 10 articles for 2014 were:
- Building the Woleebee Creek to Glebe Weir Pipeline, Murphy Pipe and Civil takes us through the innovations and impressive feats accomplished during the construction of the pipeline.
- Change of direction for Bonaparte JV, possible Darwin pipeline in the works, the Bonaparte Joint Venture announced it is looking at alternative development options for the gas field, including a pipeline to Darwin.
- APA expands Victorian infrastructure to keep up with supply and demand changes, APA Group responds to East Coast gas development with plans to increase gas flow from Victoria to NSW.
- MPC gathers construction momentum on Australia’s largest coal seam gas network, Murphy Pipe and Civil takes us through the construction of the largest CSG gathering network in the country.
- Delivering the Challenge: The Water Transfer System, highlighting the challenges in delivering the Victorian Desalination Plant from an engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning point of view.
- Papua New Guinea’s gas revolution, a review of the ongoing and completed gas projects which have to potential to turn PNG into one of the biggest exporters of gas in Asia.
- Pipelines in Victoria: a pathway for natural gas development, an update on the progress of proposed and under construction pipeline projects in Victoria.
- Game-changer: APA looks to link domestic gas markets, APA Group Executive Rob Wheals on the potential NT to East Coast gas pipeline connection.
- Laying the offshore Ichthys subsea pipeline, Italian company Saipem takes us through the laying of 882 km of subsea pipeline for the Ichthys Project.
- The state of Queensland: under construction, the need-to-know highlights of 2013 from the three major export pipelines in Queensland.
The Australian Pipeliner thanks you for your support throughout the year and wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
The Australian Pipeliner’s fortnightly e-news update will return on 14 January 2015.