TDW releases ILI reporting software

Designed with in-line inspection (ILI) services customers in mind, Interactive Report 2013 is a data visualisation tool that makes it easy for users to filter and view their pipeline inspection data, with the goal of helping them more intuitively assess where problem areas exist.

“This software makes inspection data more accessible than ever before,” said T.D. Williamson (TDW) Software Engineering Supervisor Ron Lundstrom.

“It features a user friendly Windows®-based environment that makes it easy to choose from a variety of views, including interactive charts, graphs, tables and even a three-dimensional pipe view.”

A special snapshot feature enables users to save customised views of potential trouble spots and share them with others for review or comment. Once the most critical anomalies have been identified, creating a dig sheet is an automated process.

Extensive knowledge or training isn’t required to use Interactive Report 2013.

For more information visit

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