QRC says jobs still available

The virus has had an exceedingly detrimental impact on the world’s economy, with movement restrictions, social distancing rules and closed borders continuing to increase unemployment across many industries.

Despite being an essential service, energy has not been immune to the affects, with COVID-19 and slumping oil prices causing oil and gas heavyweights like Santos and Woodside to cut jobs.

But, QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane said energy and resources companies were still hiring in Queensland with “job vacancies across the state”.

The QRC said 799 job vacancies in Queensland’s resources, mining and energy sector are currently advertised on job search website SEEK, with 420 of those opportunities in the last two weeks.

“We are building on the jobs that are being offered to the community in a time when people are being laid off,” said Mr Macfarlane.

“The industry is trying very hard, not only to maintain production, but also to create new jobs in the workforce.”

The unemployment rate is expected to surge when data for the June quarter is released later this year, with fears the figure could be as high as 10 per cent.

For more information visit the QRC website.

If you have news you would like featured in The Australian Pipeliner contact Managing Editor David Convery at dconvery@gs-press.com.au

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