Construction has begun on a temporary bypass pipeline at Finger Point Beach in Port Macdonnell to enable maintenance on an outfall pipe.
The outfall pipe safely dischargers treated wastewater from SA Water’s nearby treatment plant.
Recent inspections of the pipe found minor cracks and leaks, with the bypass infrastructure ensuring the plant can continue to operate during works.
“Like wastewater treatment plants operated around the world, our Finger Point plant safely discharges highly cleaned and thoroughly treated wastewater 100 metres off the beach via the outfall pipe, which is located under seawater and encased in concrete,” SA Water senior manager of capital delivery Peter Seltsikas said.
“While this particular section of pipe has operated reliably for more than 50 years, we’ve recently identified a few minor cracks that we need to repair to ensure it continues to remain in sound condition for years to come.
“The plant plays a critical role in protecting public health by taking wastewater away from Mount Gambier for treatment, and taking the pipe offline for this work requires a temporary bypass to keep the facility operational.”
Once the bypass has finished, SA Water operators will switch the flow to the new pipework to maintain services, while work is done on the pipe to prepare for repairs.
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