The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) has welcomed the decision by state and federal representatives at the Energy Ministers Meeting (EMM) to amend the national gas and energy laws to include hydrogen and other renewable gases.
The APGA is advocating for a sustainable solution that delivers downward pressure on domestic gas and electricity price while helping Australia achieve its emissions reduction target of 43 per cent by 2030 and net-zero by 2050.
Chief executive Steve Davies said it’s been a tumultuous year for Australia’s energy markets.
“The long-standing linkages between the domestic electricity and gas markets have become more apparent than ever and these linkages are likely to grow as the energy transition progresses,” he said.
“The next step is a national plan to unleash our domestic renewable gas supplies. This would encourage private investment, decarbonise the national energy grid and provide much-needed energy security.
“We urgently need sophisticated, independent integrated system planning that considers the myriad of factors that impact the cost and speed of the transition across all energy types.”
According to APGA, Australia’s pipeline network is a reliable partner for the electricity transmission system and will deliver future fuels such as hydrogen and other renewable gases with minimal upgrades and costs to consumers.
For more information, visit APGA’s website.
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