APIA Chief Executive Cheryl Cartwright wished everyone a safe and happy new year and congratulated all on their industry efforts and support throughout 2008.
Christmas in the west
The WA Chapter Christmas lunch, held at Fraser’s Restaurant, provided yet again an afternoon of networking and laughs. This year, Western Australia had a record of 219 registrants and even had to turn a few last minute registrants away due to venue restrictions.
The attendees were greeted by WA Chapter Chair Jodi Gratton before listening to a few words from Kelvin Andrijich on behalf of the lunch sponsor Enerflex.
Western Australian Pipeliners not only enjoyed a delicious lunch but also the drawing of twelve door prizes and the annual quiz.
On behalf of the WA Chapter, Jodi thanked all of the retiring WA Chapter committee members and new committee members, as well as to all APIA WA function sponsors, speakers, supporters and attendees during 2008.
Queensland keeps breaking records
On a hot, humid and muggy day in Brisbane, the Queensland APIA Christmas lunch attracted another record number of attendees – 252. The lunch was held at the Brisbane Hilton and sponsored once again by GHD.
The large crowd heard Cheryl Cartwright sum up some of the achievements from 2008 and she took the opportunity to present Gavin Bailey, General Manager Business Development for Diversified Construction Corporation, with a plaque for becoming a Lead Member of APIA.
As is the tradition in Brisbane, the lunch slowly turned into an evening function as the stayers of the industry took their time to savour the memories of a busy 40th year for APIA.
New South Wales drinks
To make sure the New South Wales-based APIA members had both a chance to gather together and also meet the Board, Christmas drinks with the Board was held on Thursday 11 December at the Sydney Hilton.
Around 60 Pipeliners gathered at the CNC Project Management sponsored function, which followed a board meeting held earlier in the day. Cheryl Cartwright, President Ashley Kellett and CNC’s Dave Maloney spoke briefly to the assembled crowd.
Santa’s last stop: Melbourne
Finishing the hectic quadrella of APIA Christmas functions, Cheryl departed directly from the Sydney function for Melbourne, which hosted its lunch the next day, Friday 12 December.
Petro Coating Systems sponsored the 150-strong lunch held at the Hilton on the Park that saw a brief Christmas message from Cheryl before the networking continued, interrupted only by the draw for the hampers.
Again, the functions were a testament to the strength of the industry with well over 600 attendees all up – a record Christmas to finish the landmark
40th Anniversary celebrations of APIA.
“˜Twas the week before Christmas, when all through Australia,
Not a Pipeliner was idle, not one member of APIA,
But all flocked to APIA Christmas functions to celebrate the year,
With freely flowing pipeline talk, wine, champagne and beer!’