Ozzie’s Pipeline Padder Inc

Worldwide manufacturer and marketer of the Ozzie Pipeline padders, specifically designed to separate rocks from the fines and place the fines around the pipeline, thereby protecting new coating from backfill damage.

Ozzie’s full office listings are:

US office
7102 West Sherman Street
Phoenix Arizona
85043, US
Phone: 1 4805 859 400
Fax: 1 4805 857 977
Contact: Chris Argue (Contract Manager)
Phone: 1 6238 897 941
Mobile: 1 6027 381 081
Email: chris.argue@ozzies.com

Canada office
7506 – 43 Street
Leduc Alberta
T9E 7E8 Canada
Phone: 1 7809 808 000
Fax: 1 7809 808 001
Contact: Robert Dunstan (Domestic Operations)
Phone: 1 4032 057 188
Mobile: 1 4036 185 983
Email: robert.dunstan@energyservicesinc.com

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