Operation begins on Shell Corrib Gas Pipeline

Gas was first discovered at the Corrib Gas Field in 1996, however progress to commercialise the gas has been delayed due to local concerns about the impact of the pipeline on its surrounding environment. Shell has been through an extensive approvals process, and committed to a thorough biodiversity plan for the area surrounding the project.

The 20 inch diameter Corrib Gas Pipeline transports gas from the offshore Corrib Gas Field to a gas terminal at Ballenaboy Bridge, County Mayo, Ireland. Approximately 83 km of the pipeline is offshore, linking the wells at the Corrib field to the landfall at Glengad. A 9 km onshore pipeline links the landfall to the Ballenaboy Bridge terminal. Gas is processed at the terminal to meet the requirements to flow into Ireland’s Bord GÌÁis Eireann pipeline network.

The pipeline has a wall thickness of 27 mm, and is made of high-grade carbon steel. The pipeline has several layers of protective coating, including plastic and concrete, to protect from external corrosion. Internal corrosion is controlled by the continuous injection of corrosion inhibitor via the gas field umbilical. Corrosion is monitored in real time by a subsea corrosion monitoring spool.

The offshore pipeline was completed in 2009, using Allseas’ Solitaire pipelay vessel. The onshore section of the pipeline was completed in 2014, after initial routes were rejected and approval was received to construct a tunnel under the Sruwaddacon Bay in 2011.

Shell applied for ministerial consent to operate the pipeline and onshore terminal in August 2015.

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