Help Kids Like Nick Kokoda trek – show your support

Help Kids Like Nick is a charity group that’s focused on delivering access to special experiences and support to kids who were born with Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome (WHS).

Mr Dykes is taking his daughter Olivia and her classmate Holly to the Kokoda track on 21 September 2012 for eight days to complete the gruelling 96 km hike.

Mr Dykes said they are aiming to raise $A10,000 for the charity and training on Mt Cootha in Brisbane has been gruelling over the past few weeks but they are almost ready.

“It is for people like Nick Blacket who have with Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome and need constant care for the rest of their lives. Our goal is to give people with the syndrome a chance to enjoy some of the activities we take for granted, such as going on a holiday or to a concert,” said Mr Dykes.

To help Steven, Olivia and Holly complete the challenge visit to pledge your support.

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