Funding for Townsville projects


The Morrison Government is contributing $2 million for a feasibility study into the supply of re-use water for the growing green hydrogen industry in Townsville.

This project will be delivered as part of the Townsville City Deal, which includes other investments including funding for infrastructure on the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct, and a business case for a proposed town hall. 

The deal constitutes a 15-year agreement to support the development of community infrastructure, totalling at $32 million in funding for the region.

Funding for the Townsville City Deal has been allocated from the Commonwealth’s $195 million commitment to the Hughton Pipeline Stage 2, which will now be delivered by the Queensland Government and Townsville City Council. 

A further $124 million in Commonwealth funding remains to be reallocated under the Deal, with partners in discussions on priorities for this funding.

The Federal Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher said the announcement of the funding demonstrates the government’s commitment to delivering critical infrastructure for Townsville. 

“This commitment ensures that our original $195 million contribution to the Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 will remain in Townsville and will now support three important new projects,” said Fletcher. 

“The Morrison Government is focused on delivering targeted investment in projects that will strengthen the local economy and ensure the city is positioned as a liveable, innovative and vibrant destination in Northern Australia.”

For more information visit the Minister for Infrastructure’s website. 

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