Many associations also struggle with boards that don’t understand the role of a board – oversight and governance; not organisation and management of the Association.
APGA’s board meets all the requirements of a successful board of directors.
There are many reasons for this, some of which are unique to this industry and others are the experience and professionalism of our board.
According to the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), boards play a critical role in all not-for-profit organisations.
Just as governance is important in companies large and small, it is also critical in the not-for-profit sector, including industry associations.
For many years now, APGA has had its governance procedures in place – a high-quality auditor oversees the business, including all accounts and documentation, we have reviewed the strategic plan and established a register of risks to the Association, listing the mitigating actions and the level of each risk.
Also, most of the board members have successfully completed the AICD Company Director Course, a valuable tool for management and boards.
Of course, what the APGA members see is the activities of the Association.
Those interested in energy policy see – and often work on – policy development and submissions on government policies and initiatives.
The members see the work of the Health Safety and Environment Committee, in the safety and environmental guidelines, and those involved in operations benefit from the exchange of knowledge and ideas amongst the Pipeline Operators Group.
Naturally, the members are very enthusiastic about the events – legendary!
With 25 or more functions around the nation annually, there is plenty of opportunity for networking, exchanging ideas and doing business.
Even more legendary is the annual Convention and Exhibition (at the Gold Coast this year, with some stands and sponsorship still available.
Contact Steve Dobbie for sponsorship and Sally MacGregor for the exhibition).
With four days and nights of information and knowledge exchange and networking, this industry truly knows how to successfully mix work and fun.
All this wouldn’t happen without the work of the secretariat – naturally – and the oversight of the APGA board.
Participating on the board means members have established the respect of their peers in the industry; they have been elected and it means they have the opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the direction of the secretariat and the work we do – without having to do the work!
Think about it – do you want to make a contribution to this fabulous industry?
The APGA board and the secretariat have an excellent working relationship, with the board meeting every two months, and providing a valuable perspective on the broader industry and the operation of the Association.
We will be calling for nominations for the Board soon.
There will be six vacancies and if there are more nominees than vacancies there will be a vote on 20 October at the Annual General Meeting at the Annual Convention.
It’s an interesting experience for board members.
It’s a valuable contribution to the industry.
It doesn’t take too much of your time!
Think about it – do you want to stand for the APGA board?