CEO’s Report

The last six years have flown by thanks to a steady stream of industry issues requiring very detailed attention by a range of members. Your input as individuals, as members of committees and as members of the APIA Board has been magnificent and is an experience I will value moving into my new role.

There is one group I do wish to pay a special tribute and that is the team at Pipeline Publications who have assisted me and APIA in very many ways over the last six years. Pipeline Publications has really gone from strength to strength and the support it has provided to this Association and the pipeline industry at large has been invaluable. We really have a world class publication in The Australian Pipeliner. This, together with the regular updates provided in PPO Monthly and PPO Latest has enabled me to keep abreast of the many changes and developments over the past six years. As a group I couldn’t ask for more from the current team of Barry, Chris and Scott and I wish them every success for the future.

I shall really miss the regular contact with members at seminars, functions and of course the APIA Convention. I am very confident that the Association will continue to attract the attention of owners, contractors and a very wide range of members that are the major strength of this diverse Association.

Let me thank the team that makes APIA tick – our Business Manager Steve Dobbie, Membership Officer Gisela Thaurer, Megan Fox our Administrative Assistant and Exhibition Guru and Ian Haddow together with the capable accounting support of Peter Heffernan. Your dedication, hard work and focus on members have been outstanding.

Finally, let me thank my partner Narelle and my three children Ben, Jonathan and Dominic for being my real inspiration over the last six years. Your love, patience with the many distractions I have brought home and understanding has made this journey worthwhile.

I trust that you give the new Chief Executive the same level of support and timely advice that you have given me during my tenure. It has been a pleasure to serve APIA as Chief Executive and I look forward very much to maintaining my contact with you over the years ahead.

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