CEO sought for Energy Pipelines CRC

The Energy Pipelines CRC is Australia’s first dedicated research centre to ensuring the continued safe and cost effective operation of the nation’s gas pipeline network and provide the foundation for the next generation of pipelines.

A chief executive officer is sought for immediate appointment to oversee all of the CRC’s activities, which will initially focus on four areas of pipeline development, covering construction and maintenance, corrosion control, and public safety, through four distinct projects:

“¢ More efficient use of materials for energy pipelines;
“¢ Extension of the safe operating life of new and existing energy pipelines;
“¢ Advanced design and construction of energy pipelines; and,
“¢ Public safety and the security of supply of energy pipelines.

As well as researchers from Australia Pipeline Industry Association’s (APIA’s) Research and Standards Committee, the centre will include academics and researchers from the Australian National University, Monash University, the University of Adelaide, and the University of Wollongong where the centre will be located.

A package of information on the Energy Pipelines CRC and a positon description is available from the research centre business manager Peter Heffernan.

Applications close 16 October 2009.

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