The seminars have so far been undertaken in Brisbane and Melbourne, which have both seen 50-plus participants at each seminar. There are several other Australian and New Zealand-based seminars to be undertaken throughout the year, and details on these dates are available on the APIA events page.
The scope of the seminar’s review of AS 2885.5 includes a study of pressurisation endpoints, pressure test design and materials, instruments and pressure test planning, measurement uncertainty, as well as an introduction to PIPESTRAIN software from Dr Michael Law, a research scientist at the Australian National Nuclear Research and Development Organisation (ANSTO).
The software, which has been developed by Michael Law (ANSTO), Garry Heaven (CloudGeoTech), John Piper (John Piper & Associates), and Phillip Venton (Venton & Associates), was covered in an article in the October 2012 edition of The Australian Pipeliner and holds significant benefits to the field of pressure testing for the industry.
The seminars have been proudly supported by the KT-OSD Joint Venture, EPC Solutions for Pipelines.