2014 APIA Environment Award to CNC Project Management

The Award is designed to recognise one or more of the following achievements, all of which aim to improve the environment and achieve leading environmental practice:

  • Outstanding environmental performance in the workplace, whether in office, industrial, project, or operations and workplaces.
  • A unique innovation or initiative addressing an environment issue.
  • A new and well-defined environment management system, procedure or practice.

Presenting the award, APIA’s immediate past President, Kevin Lester, said the winning nomination from CNC Project Management was under the Unique Innovation or Initiative Addressing an Environment Issue criterion for its Back of the Ute Soil Test Procedure.

Mr Lester said there were five high quality entries ranging from excellent project performance, innovations through to energy efficiency programs.

“The CNC entry was selected as an innovative new method for rapid testing of soil along the Right of Way prior to topsoil stripping. This innovation has the potential to be adopted by the pipeline construction industry resulting in improved management of topsoil and better environmental outcomes,” he said.

“Congratulations to everyone involved with the development of the CNC Project Management Back of the Ute Soil Test procedure and well done to all of the other nominees.”

The five nominations for this year’s APIA Environment Award were as follow:

1. The first nomination was from the APA Group who nominated under the Outstanding Environmental Performance in the Workplace category for their environmental performance on the Victorian Northern Interconnect Expansion Project – Wollert to Wandong Looping

2. The second nomination was from CNC Project Management who nominated under the Unique Innovation or Initiative Addressing an Environment Issue criterion for their Back of the Ute Soil Test Procedure.

3. The third nomination was from Dampier Bunbury Pipeline who nominated under the Unique Innovation or Initiative Addressing an Environment Issue for the DBP Energy Smart Program.

4. The fourth nomination was from McConnell Dowell who nominated under the Outstanding Environmental Performance in the Workplace criterion for their environmental performance on the Victorian Northern Interconnect Expansion – Stage 1.

5. The final nomination was from Nacap Australia who nominated under the Outstanding Environmental Performance in the Workplace criterion for their Fauna Management Methodology.

“As with the APIA Safety Award nominations, all of these Environment Award nominations were rigorously considered by an APIA committee comprising independent professionals which included State regulation experience and, again, the committee noted the quality of both nominations.”

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