A total of 72 people attended the WA Chapter seminar, and by all accounts participants enjoyed the occasion. APIA Chief Executive Cheryl Cartwright gave the Keynote Address, followed by other high-calibre speakers on a wide range of topics which included: Glass reinforced high pressure pipelines for Australia; Is risk management stifling innovation?; National and state regulations update; WA resource constraints; Land tenure; Managing, accessing and integrating O&M information; The domestic gas situation in WA; Dampier to Bunbury pipeline expansion; and a pipeline technical research update.
A light-hearted look at project development immediately followed the lunch-time break to ease the participants into the afternoon session. Feedback from participants was very positive and confirmed that the seminar was both enjoyable and informative. A special word of thanks must go to all the speakers who gave their time generously in preparing and delivering their presentations and also to the two chairpersons, David Bradley and Garth Borgelt.
The “˜WA Boom Times’ theme was carried into the evening with the annual Dinner Dance rounding out a great day. Attendance was most encouraging with a total of 117 turning out, including several visitors from the eastern states. The crowd were entertained by the four piece band Ruby Tuesday, and by comedian Peter Dee who managed to sing, play his guitar and tell jokes all at the same time.The “˜Boom Times’ theme also made for great table arrangements, with the gold covered chocolates being a big hit.
Both the Annual Seminar and Dinner Dance could not have been held without support from the day’s sponsors. Special thanks go to Alinta who sponsored the seminar and Nacap and KT who sponsored the Dinner Dance.